Tag: Star Trek: Lower Decks

#153 – ‘A Mathematically Perfect Redemption’ Lower Decks S3E07

Peanut Hamper returns! Join your beakful hosts as they discuss the expansion and increased application of Lower Decks’ lore, the whys and wherefores of the divided fan response, and the complex mechanics of bird-machine romance.

Spoiler warning! We dive right into a detail-rich discussion of this episode, so if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet – beware!

Next week: We continue our weekly coverage of Star Trek: Lower Decks’ third season with our discussion of “Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus”

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

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#152 – ‘Hear All, Trust Nothing’ Lower Decks S3E06

Boimler transforms into the Dabo King! Join your candle-loving hosts as they discuss Lower Decks’ loving return to Deep Space Nine.

Spoiler warning! We dive right into a detail-rich discussion of this episode, so if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet – beware!

Next week: We continue our weekly coverage of Star Trek: Lower Decks’ third season with our discussion of “A Mathematically Perfect Redemption”

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

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Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!

#151 – ‘Reflections’ Lower Decks S3E05

Rutherford wrestles with his past while Mariner is presented with an offer she may not be able to refuse. Join your independent archeologist hosts as they discuss the tension between Mariner’s personality and the expectations of Starfleet, the potential story directions made possible by Rutherford’s reveal, and the glorious return of the Wadi.

Spoiler warning! We dive right into a detail-rich discussion of this episode, so if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet – beware!

Next week: We continue our weekly coverage of Star Trek: Lower Decks’ third season with our discussion of “Hear All, Trust Nothing”

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

Twitter us @ItsGotStarTrek

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Watch a static image while listening to the podcast on YouTube

Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!

#150 – ‘Room for Growth’ Lower Decks S3E04

Mariner, Tendi, and Boimler battle the Delta Shift while Rutherford endures Captain Freeman’s enforced relaxation protocols. Join your mildly-stress-out hosts as they discuss inversions of Star Trek story tropes, the career choices of various Edosians, and Tendi’s Goopy blob.

Spoiler warning! We dive right into a detail-rich discussion of this episode, so if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet – beware!

Next week: We continue our weekly coverage of Star Trek: Lower Decks’ third season with our discussion of “Reflections”

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

Twitter us @ItsGotStarTrek

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Watch a static image while listening to the podcast on YouTube

Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!

#149 – ‘Mining the Mind’s Mines’ Lower Decks S3E03

Insecurities abound as various characters interact with each other. Join your giant-tentacle-raison-nibbling hosts as they discuss fraudulent fantasies, nimble nightmares, and the consistent combination of poignant platitudes and silly shenanigans throughout Lower Decks.

Spoiler warning! We dive right into a detail-rich discussion of this episode, so if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet – beware!

Next week: We continue our weekly coverage of Star Trek: Lower Decks’ third season with our discussion of “Room for Growth”

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

Twitter us @ItsGotStarTrek

Instagramaphone us @ItsGotStarTrek

Facebookify us @ItsGotStarTrek

Watch a static image while listening to the podcast on YouTube

Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!

#148 – ‘The Least Dangerous Game’ Lower Decks S3E02

Mariner bristles at authority while Boimler tries something new. Join your Kraft Kranch™-curious hosts as they discuss Brave Boimler, Mariner’s travails with Commander Ransom, governmental checks and balances, the contemporary colloquial analogue to “lava tubes,” professional wrestling, and the complicated statistical dynamics of various combinations of dice.

Spoiler warning! We dive right into a detail-rich discussion of this episode, so if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet – beware!

Next week: We continue our weekly coverage of Star Trek: Lower Decks’ third season with our discussion of “Mining the Mind’s Mines”

Note that this and all episodes of the It’s Got Star Trek podcast contain explicit language and, frankly, an unnecessary amount of offensive content, so the show is intended only for adults and really really cool kids.

Please utilize one of the following options if you have an interest in contacting your hosts:

Email us at feedback@itsgotstartrek.com

Twitter us @ItsGotStarTrek

Instagramaphone us @ItsGotStarTrek

Facebookify us @ItsGotStarTrek

Watch a static image while listening to the podcast on YouTube

Telephone us at 202-456-1414

You can also visit www.itsgotstartrek.com and leave a comment or head on over to the It’s Got Everything subreddit to join the discussion. Don’t say we didn’t give you options here!